General news
EGI trust anchor release version 1.132
- this is a regular release with 8-day grace period
- please do NOT release before Monday December 16, this being the intended
- release date of the upstream of this version by the IGTF
- preferably send this in the beginning of the week, and on or after a Thursday
- please send a note to the sites once it moves to production
Review the procedure to add a new product version to UMD, and to produce an UMD release:
PROC25 UMD software release procedure
- Products team should either send an email to URT or create a GGUS ticket to request the addition in the next UMD release
To review the need of the following support units:
- GGUS: Software Provisioning
- GGUS: Software Repository
- GGUS: UMD/CMD Quality Assurance FAQ
- GGUS: UMD Product Submission FAQ
Release status
Known Errors Database KEDB
The KEDB has been moved to Jira+Confluence: list of known errors
- EGIKEDB-11 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Product teams
- Bugs in ARC-CE 6.21 still under investigations
- waiting for a new version.
- StoRM WebDAV 1.4.3 has been renamed to 1.5.0 and it's really near to
be released, we're working a lot to provide an updated documentation
before release it.
- StoRM Backend + Frontend EL9 are in a test phase at CNAF-T1; to
provide a better doc also for these components we're working on a new
doc site.
- VOMS admin server: no news but we still have a RPM with fixed scripts
that needs to be tested.
Maarten reported an issue with voms-java client faced today by atlas VO: a ticket will be created to track it.