
The Service Steering Group (SLG) is a proposed Working Group under the SSB to monitor and steer the development of the EGI services. The EGI services are delivered in two portfolios:

The SLG subpages collect the further development roadmaps of these service portfolios. The roadmaps are managed by a steering group, consisting of the following members:

  • Gergely Sipos (coordinatior)
  • Damla Rowlandson (Services for Federation)
  • Enol Fernandez (Services for Research)
  • Diego Scardaci (New services)

Service roadmaps

This page presents the development roadmaps (i.e. already scheduled developments) for the services, as well as the requirements that still have to be evaluated for development:

How to feed in new requirements

The EGI services are developed further according to the needs of the overall EGI Community, including EGI Council members (NGIs and international scientific organisations) and EGI users (Virtual Organisations, Research Infrastructures, Research experiments, etc.). Anyone can send in further development and improvement requirements to the services via email to These requests are registered as Jira tickets and then discussed in specific meetings with the Service Providers in order to assess, cost and prioritise them, and then schedule them for development in the service specific technical roadmaps. 

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