Each entry in the internal CMDB is a CI and contains a number of attributes defined to control with sufficient details the given service/service component. In particular there is information about: Besides, it provides the real location of the CIs and how they are controlled.
Here is the services list:
- Accounting (CMDB)
- Attribute Management (CMDB)
- Check-in (CMDB)
- Cloud Compute (CMDB)
- Cloud Container Compute (CMDB)
- Collaboration tools (CMDB)
- Configuration database - GOCDB (CMDB)
- DataHub (CMDB)
- Data Orchestrator (CMDB)
- Data Transfer (CMDB)
- Helpdesk - GGUS (CMDB)
- High-Throughput Compute (CMDB)
- Infrastructure Manager (CMDB)
- Notebooks (CMDB)
- Online Storage (CMDB)
- Operations tools (CMDB)
- Replay (CMDB)
- Secrets Store (CMDB)
- Security Coordination - Monitoring tools (CMDB)
- Service Monitoring (CMDB)
- Software Distribution (CMDB)
- Workload Manager (CMDB)