- Open ICT Ecosystem — An ICT ecosystem is open when it is capable of incorporating and sustaining Interoperability, collaborative development and transparency, while increasing capacities to create flexible, service-oriented ICT applications that can be taken apart and recombined to meet changing needs more efficiently and effectively.
- Open Science — Opening of the creation and dissemination of scholarly knowledge towards a multitude of stakeholders, from professional researchers to citizens
- Open Standard — A standard is open if meets the following criteria: All stakeholders have the same possibility of contributing to the development of the specification and public review is part of the decision-making process; The specification is available for everybody to study; Intellectual Property Rights related to the specification are licensed on FRAND (Fair, Reasonable, and Non-Discriminatory) or royalty-free terms in a way that allows implementation in both proprietary and open source software.
- Operational Level Agreement — Documented agreement between a service provider and another part of the service provider’s organisation or a federation member to provide a service component or subsidiary service needed to allow provision of services to customers
- Operational Target — Reference / target value for a parameter used to measure the performance of a service component, listed in an operational level agreement (OLA) or underpinning agreement (UA) related to this service component
- Operations Centre — A centre offering operations services on behalf of one or more Resource Infrastructure Providers.
- Opportunity for Improvement — A potential area where an organisation can proactively enhance its performance. This includes improvements to processes, products, services, business models, branding, customer experience, and other key elements of organisational success. OFIs are identified through customer feedback, data analysis, audits, management reviews, benchmarking, and strategic analysis. An OFI does not indicate non-compliance with existing standards.
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