


EGI.euSebastian Luna Valero 
INCDJorge Gomes 
CloudFerroMarek Kubel-Grabau
UTNSandro Fiore

Donatello Elia


Laurent Bertino

Antonio Bonaduce

Pangeo (Ifremer)Tina Odaka




Round tableAll

Introduction to the concept ideaBjörn

Explanation of the current concept idea

  • we need new DTs, we need to think out of the box for these


Björn: We have reached out to ECMWF. They mentioned that they can't join us but they would be happy to stay in the loop.

Laurent: Mercator will participate in a proposal led by NOC (UK), and normally they don't participate in more than one proposals.

  • Chara: still we may show how we could collaborate with them

Björn: BSC: They are part of DT-geo, and we haven't heard from them yet

Sandro Fiore checked with AWI, and they are participating in another proposal for this call

  • AWI can't participate in more than one proposal

Sandro Fiore will contact CERFACS this afternoon.

Pangeo community shared a document with a proposal to participate, different case studies presented for building DT components.

Bjorn: what is our competitive advantage over other proposals?

  • If we can't bring a DestinE or DTO partner, maybe we should rethink our participation
  • Laurent Bertino: DTO is an add-on, shouldn't be a concerned to be left out; from the DestineE, our added value would be to make access to DestinE more democratic.
  • Christian Briese: ECMWF is participating on two proposals. What we really require is someone taking a lead.
  • BB: We are still checking with UPC, but have no reply yet. If we have no lead by the end of 2023 or first week of Jan, we can't continue with this proposal.
  • VITO: Jeroen also checked and is not considering to taking the lead.

Antonio Bonaduce:

  • We need to check whether ESA is willing to endorse our proposal, without a budget, since they can't participate as a partner
  • Chara: Maybe EUMETSAT may also contribute letters of support

BB: We may want to double check again with ECMWF whether they would like to reconsider participating with this consortium. However, it still leave us without a consortium lead

  • Please check within your network whether someone is willing to lead
  • Also we may want to join an existing consortium

Sandro: not sure about the other consortium being formed - I will check if the other consortium (where AWI participates) need more service providers


All: check within your network whether someone is willing to lead this proposal

All: check if we could join a existing consortium

Christian Briese: contact ECMWF again to see if there are any updates on their participation and on the other consortia

Charis Chatzikyriakou: share concept presentation (and short text) with all attendees of today's meeting

Charis Chatzikyriakou: schedule next meeting on 08/01/2024 at 13.00

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