ChairJeff Wagg
Connection details

15:00 - 16:00 CET

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📝 Items for today

 technologist  Participants

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🗒️ Minutes

Presentation of the new organisation from April 2025 (J. Wagg)

1. Number of Working Groups

  • Consider reducing the number of WGs.
  • Having six WGs may no longer be relevant. Even in plenary meetings, the number of participants is too small to justify maintaining six WGs.
  • WG5 (use cases): Work will already be completed by end of March 2025.
  • WG6 (facilities): Florian Berberich could be the future chair of WG6.

2. Aim of Working Groups

  • Why are we here? The SPECTRUMCoP is not here to provide free work, it is more about building a community than strictly about "working" groups.
  • We could use SPECTRUMCoP to address questions from other WPs of SPECTRUM, such as the blueprint. Should we use the people directory to determine the most relevant person to ask?
  • If SPECTRUMCoP members have specific questions, it is not necessary to convene the whole CoP. Instead, they can ask a WG chair to take the lead in discussing the question within the CoP. WG chairs would be useful in identifying key discussion points, relevant people, and whether a specific or plenary meeting is necessary.
  • We should formalise the terms of reference for WG chairs on a specific Confluence page.

3. Plenary meetings

  • We should keep plenary meetings during WP4.
  • For the agenda, we can identify discussion points based on the outcomes of the survey, as many important topics have emerged from it.
  • Simply bringing questions is not enough. The community would be more engaged if we organised events such as hackathons and conferences, but these are time-consuming to implement. Unfortunately, hosting these large-scale meetings requires funding that we do not have.
  • After the end of the project, plenary meetings should continue but with clearly defined topics identified in advance.

Feedback on the interim report of the CoP

SPECTRUMCoP members are invited to have a look (and add comments if necessary) at the interim report of the CoP, especially the "Findings" section.

Link to D3.1:

📅 Next meeting

  • from 15:00 to 16:00 CET
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