The EOSC-hub project has ended. This space is READ ONLY

  • Related project result - State which EOSC-hub project result is disseminated through this action (see catalogue of project results). While we don't have a full catalogue of results, please pick a related expected project result
  • Task # - WP / task number
  • Type of activities – Outlet / Name – Estimated Reach – Link
TypeDescriptionWhat to add in Outlet / NameWhat to add in Estimated Reach?What to add as a Link?
Presentationall presentations given at events, conferences, etc, after submission of an abstract, or invited presentations given at a small session / workshopName of the conferenceNumber of people in attendance of the talkAbstract online or, if not available, the conference website
Invited keynote all keynote presentations given in plenaries (or similar) as a result of an invitationName of the conferenceNumber of people in attendance of the talkAbstract online or, if not available, the conference website
Panel discussionif you participated in a round table / panel discussion in the context of a session / plenaryName of the conferenceNumber of people in attendance of the panelAbstract online or, if not available, the conference website
Journal paperpapers published in peer-reviewed journals – DOI mandatory! Journal nameThis is a difficult one! If you have no clue, write "Info not available". An option would be to add the number of citations, downloads, readsthe DOI of the paper, ideally in the form:
Conference paperabstract (short or long) published in proceedings, books of abstracts, etc.Name of the conferenceNumber of people in attendance at the conference. Or, "Info not available"Abstract online or, if not available, the conference website
Posterposter presented at a conferenceName of the conferenceNumber of people in attendance at the conference. Or, "Info not available"Abstract online or, if not available, the conference website; PDF of poster
Training eventall trainings, tutorials organised at events, workshops, etc, or tailor-made for specific communitiesName of the conference / the trainingNumber of people in attendanceAbstract/materials online
Webinarsame as above, but with the training delivered by teleconferenceTeleconferenceNumber of people in attendanceAbstract/materials online; link to the recording
Blog post - News item - Newsletter article - Publication

for items published in EOSC-hub channels: WP3 will add the activity

for items published in other outlets: please fill the entry

Name of the Blog / News Feed / Newsletter / PublisherNumber of clicks, number of viewsLink to online version
Interviewif you are interviewed for a video, or an article, or a featureWhere was your interview published?Number of clicks, number of viewsLink to online version
Exhibition boothif you present your result in a conference booth, for example: as a demo, with printed materialsName of the conferenceNumber of people in attendance at the conference. Or, "Info not available"Abstract online or, if not available, the conference website
Othersany other type of dissemination activity

Place - where it took place, or, Not Applicable

Date - of the article, presentation, workshop, etc. (format YYYY-MM-DD)

Type of audience:

Please select from: Existing User Communities (e.g. our competence centres) - Resource Providers - Scientific Community (prospective users) - SMEs and Industry - Civil Society - Policy Makers - Funding Agencies - EOSC-hub partners - Media - Other (please specify).

Feel free to use combinations of the above

Scale - Please select from:

  • European: if the audience is primarily from European countries (consider the geographical notion of Europe, not the strictly EU)
  • Worldwide: if the action can equally reach all countries, for e.g. if it is online. A scientific paper, for example, will always be "Worldwide".
  • Local: if the action targets one or two countries, or regions within a country

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