Responsible Unit: ROC Russia
Helpdesk: GGUS (Operations Helpdesk by TPM)
What is the purpose of the ROC Russia Support?
The purpose of ROC RU support is to deal with the first line of support in Russia. The ROC is expected to deal with all problems in its region including:
- operational problems;
- user problems;
- deployment problems.
For which components does ROC Russia provide support?
- operational problems;
- user problems;
Which quality of service (QoS) will you provide?
Who will assign tickets to ROC Russia Support?
Users from local helpdesk and GGUS; VO admins, VO shifts, CCOD, ROD, TPM or DMSU from GGUS
Are tickets typically solved in ROC Russia Support or reassigned elsewhere?
>95% of tickets are solved in UNIT and <5% are reassigned to GGUS
Who is responsible for ROC Russia Support?
For Issues regarding the Helpdesk please contact ROC RU Support team – Valeriy Kirichenko
What documentation is available on ROC Russia Support?
The ROC RU Helpdesk have user faq database, accessible through https://glse.itep.ru/usersupport/index.php?t=kbase&pla=ROC_Russia (in russian)
What is the usual "Type of Issue" for the tickets of ROC Russia?
No comments.
What if I have questions which are not dealt with by this FAQ?
Open a GGUS ticket indicating that it should be directed at the ROC Russia team.