Responsible Unit: RCauth.eu Online CA

Helpdesk: GGUS (Operations Helpdesk by TPM)

What is the purpose of the RCauth.eu Online CA Support?

The purpose is to provide user support for the RCauth Online CA

For which components does RCauth.eu Online CA provide support?

We provide support for the different services and instances which combinedly make up the RCauth Online CA (i.e. delegation services, attached WAYFs etc.). Note: for issues with MasterPortals and other attached TTSes, issues should be handled via the corresponding support units such as GGUS:AAI_SUPPORT_FAQ

Which quality of service (QoS) will you provide?


Who will assign tickets to RCauth.eu Online CA Support?

Tickets can be assigned directly or by TPM.

Are tickets typically solved in RCauth.eu Online CA Support or reassigned elsewhere?

A ticket can be reassigned if it is not in the scope of RCauth online CA, e.g. when it falls under one of the MasterPortals.

Who is responsible for RCauth.eu Online CA Support?

The RCauth Operational Management Team (ops-management @ rcauth.eu), see RCauth governance

What documentation is available on RCauth.eu Online CA Support?

  1. technical resources
  2. High-level service description
  3. Portal Integration Guide for MP services

What is the usual "Type of Issue" for the tickets of RCauth.eu Online CA?

Authentication and Authorization or Security


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What if I have questions which are not dealt with by this FAQ?

Open a GGUS ticket indicating that it should be directed at the RCauth.eu Online CA team.