Please make sure to comply with the glossary which states that:

EGI Federation is the EGI Foundation, EGI Foundation Participants and Associated Participants, their linked organisations (e.g. service and resource providers) represented within EGI Foundation that contribute to the objectives of the foundation.

EGI is used as an abbreviation that represents the EGI Federation.

EGI Foundation is the legal entity whose objective is to coordinate and develop, in collaboration with its Participants, the EGI infrastructure that provides long-term distributed compute and storage resources for performing research and innovation activities.

When speaking about the EGI Foundation, please use the specific logo in case there is a need to visualise, to be found on Google Drive as well: EGI General > Templates > Logos > EGI Foundation Logo.

When speaking about the EGI Federation, please use our current general logo (the empty version, without anything at the bottom).

In case there is a need to specify or emphasise the Federation, make sure to mention EGI Federation and use the logo, to be found on Google Drive as well: EGI General > Templates > Logos > EGI Federation Logo.

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