- Package — A structured software unit suitable for automated installation on a computer. A Package may specify dependencies on other packages, so that either a specific version of that package, or a minimum version of that package may satisfy that dependency.
- Partnership — A partnership is a formal collaboration between two or more entities (organizations, institutions, companies, etc.) that work together towards a shared goal or mutual benefit. In a partnership, all parties contribute resources, expertise, and efforts to achieve common objectives.
- Platform — An IT system composed by hardware and/or software components providing a compatibility layer that enables upper-level platforms or user applications to run.
- Policy — Documented set of intentions, expectations, goals, rules and requirements, often formally expressed by top management representatives in an organisation or federation
- Policy Development Process — The process for the review, approval and revision of Policies and Procedures
- Post implementation review — Review after the implementation of a change that determines if the change was successful
- Primary Asset — The main goals and capabilities of the organisation, allowing it to operate and justifying its purpose.
- Priority — Relative importance of a target, object or activity
- Problem — Underlying cause of one or more incidents that requires further investigation to prevent incidents from recurring or reduce the negative impact on services
- Procedure — Specified set of steps or instructions to be carried out by an individual or group to perform one or more activities of a process
- Process — Structured set of activities, with clearly defined responsibilities, that bring about a specific objective or set of results from a set of defined inputs
- Process manager — An individual with the overall responsibility on the operations of a process part of the EGI IMS
- Process owner — An individual with the overall responsibility on the governance of a process part of the EGI IMS
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