- Capability — The ability of an organisation, person, process, application, configuration item, or IT service to carry out an activity
- Capability level — Achieved level of effectiveness of an individual process or general aspect of management
- Capacity — The maximum extent to which a certain element of the infrastructure (such as a Configuration Item) can be used.
- Capacity plan — A plan used to manage the resources required to deliver IT services. The plan contains details of current and historic usage of IT services and components, and any issues that need to be addressed (including related improvement activities). The plan also contains scenarios for different predictions of business demand and costed options to deliver the agreed service level targets.
- Capacity plan owner — Person responsible for the production and maintenance of the capacity plan for a service. This person is responsible for designing, implementing and maintaining the plan and acts as main contact point in case of incidents and customer complains related to the service capacity.
- Certified Resource Centre — A Resource Centre that conforms to the requirements specified in the Resource Centre Registration and Certification Procedure
- Change — Alteration (such as addition, removal, modification, replacement) of a Configuration Item (CI)
- Classification — Assignment of items to defined groups based on common attributes, relations or other criteria
- Cloud Computing — A model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. This cloud model is composed of five essential characteristics (on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, measured service), three service models (Software as a Serv
- Competence — Sum of knowledge, skills and experience that an individual or group needs to effectively take on a specific Role
- Confidentiality of information — Property of information not being accessible to unauthorised parties
- Configuration — State of a specified set of attributes, relationships and other relevant properties of one or more Configuration Items (CIs)
- Configuration Item — Element that contributes to the delivery of one or more Services or Service Components therefore requiring control of its Configuration
- Configuration Management Database — Store for data about Configuration Items
- Conformity — Extent to which requirements are met in some context
- Continuity — Property of a Service to maintain all or parts of its functionality, even in exceptional circumstances
- Customer — Organisation or part of an organisation that commissions a Service Provider in order to receive one or more Services
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