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Known Errors Database KEDB

The KEDB has been moved to Jira+Confluence: list of known errors

Status and actions

Product teams

  • GCT: OpenSSL 3 in RHEL 9 / Centos Stream 9 considers the sha1 hash to be too weak, and will not accept it. Part of the communication between the myproxy client and myproxy server uses sha1. An updated myproxy version that supports sha256 was released in EPEL.
    • If you are running a myproxy server and wish to be able to accept requests from a client on a RHEL 9 / CentOS Stream 9 system you need to update your server. The new server still accepts request from old clients.
    • If you are using a myproxy client and wish to be able to connect to a myproxy server running on a RHEL 9 / CentOS Stream 9 system you need to update your client. The new clients can still connect to old servers.
    • In addition to the myproxy RPMS also the globus-gsi-proxy-core RPMS need updating.
    • There was briefly a backward incompatible myproxy version in EPEL (6.2.9-7) due to an incomplete fix for this issue - do not use it.


Next meeeting April 18th

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