




Agree on the call that we would like to focus on. Discuss the rough concept and the next steps.



16.00 - 16.05WelcomeAll
16.05 - 16.15C-SCALE follow-on formAll

All partners interested in participating in the TECH-01-03 proposal

Different views on EOSC-01-01

Candidates for project coordination:

  • EODC
  • Deltares
  • EGI


  • Mario participated as LIP
  • Zacarias participated as INCD

Matthias: I favor EGI as a coordinator for TECH-01-03

Conclusion: we will focus on TECH-01-03 and leave the EOSC-01-01 for now. We don't have the capacity to do both.

16.15 - Discuss about brainstorming for concept note for TECH-01-03 proposalBjorn Backeberg 

Challenge today: go from research to operations.

Observing system design - data assimilation in numerical models. Assimilate as many observations as possible to get your nowcast as accurate as possible, which will bring a more accurate forecast.

Use cases: one around rivers (sensors in bridges and optical imagery from drones) and one in oceanography. Different sources of data, plus in situ etc.

We will need a harmonised Data Lake, HPC to run the numerical models, HTC for the co-variance matrices. 

Johannes Bernardus Raymond Oonk : What do you mean making a DT operational?

  • Bjorn Backeberg : The bulk of the work is to make sure that the data is harmonized so generalized models can run both use cases the river and the oceanography one.

Mario David : What are the services developed in C-SCALE that could be leveraged in this new call?

  • Bjorn Backeberg : openEO Platform to make EO data harmised for the numerical models. Then of course data and compute federations to process the data.

Bjorn Backeberg user story: I log into a portal, select a model, select a data assimilation system, select data from data lake and off you go.

Charis Chatzikyriakou coastal areas, river, lakes were covered by C-SCALE with workflow solutions. We should bring ground water people in.

Johannes Bernardus Raymond Oonk there are Digital Twins for the ocean and the like. Are we sure we are not replicating staff?

  • Bjorn Backeberg those mostly cover AI and ML, and this is something different.
  • Johannes Bernardus Raymond Oonk  Are we talking about the framework? or something that is very specific? → BB: this is about creating/designing an optimal observing system i.e., how to optimise your collection of measurements apparatus across a variety of dimensions (space, time, frequency, etc )
  • Bjorn Backeberg Putting observing systems in place is very expensive. If we optimise how we use the data produced to improve accuracy of forecasts, it would be great value.

Charis Chatzikyriakou we would like to get input from all organisations what they can bring to this call: expertise, use cases, etc.

Tentative plan:

  • Bjorn will check how feasible is the concept note with Deltares, and once happy it will be shared as soon as possible.
  • Then every partner should reply with their contributions to the proposal.

Enol Fernandez del Castillo we will check internally how feasible it is that EGI coordinates the proposal.

Christian Briese we shouldn't restrict ourselves to the water domain. Also we shouldn't restrict to satellite data, but also in-situ (e.g. VITO). There will be others trying to be successful in the same call so we need to be ambitious.

  • Dennis Clarijs: Yes, we do have expertise in data gathering and modeling in other domains and could contribute in that aspect (e.g. heat stress)

Activities are expected to achieve TRL 6 or higher.

Charis Chatzikyriakou Connection to the socioeconomic impact. This is quite essential for the call.

Frequency of the meeting

Charis Chatzikyriakou should we make this meeting recurring?


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