A Docker container has been created for the Matlab/Octave software package remtg:
EISCAT Level 2 data visualisation: webm movie generator (C) Ingemar Häggström
Docker container created by Carl-Fredrik Enell 2019 carl-fredrik.enell@eiscat.se
The image has been uploaded to Dockerhub as eiscat/remtg_volume
Dockerhub page: https://cloud.docker.com/u/eiscat/repository/docker/eiscat/remtg_volume
Source code
The sources are available at
This software reads EISCAT L2 compressed matlab (.mat.bz2) files and generates overview animations in webm format.
Usage instructions
- Create a directory for input data
- Copy .mat.bz2 data files to the input directory (typically one hour of data, or as selected by user)
- Copy the file 'rtg_def.m' for your experiment to the input directory
- Create a directory for output
- Run with the input and output directories mounted at /srv/data and /var/tmp in the container, respectively.
Example (insert correct paths to the input and output directories on the host)
$docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source=host_data_path,destination=/srv/data --mount type=bind,source=host_output_path,destination=/var/tmp eiscat/remtg_volume
See also run_docker.sh in the sources.