Responsible Unit: ARGUS

Helpdesk: GGUS (Operations Helpdesk by TPM)

What is the purpose of the ARGUS Support?

This support unit provides 3rd level support about ARGUS. Provide support for site administrators on the installation, the configuration and the operation of the Argus Authorization Service.

For which components does ARGUS provide support?

Argus PAP, PDP and PEP server, as well as PEP client libraries (C and Java)

Which quality of service (QoS) will you provide?


Who will assign tickets to ARGUS Support?

A ticket is usually assigned to the Argus support unit by the DMSU.

Are tickets typically solved in ARGUS Support or reassigned elsewhere?

The Argus supporters either resolve the matter and solve the ticket, or they assign the ticket to another support unit.

Who is responsible for ARGUS Support?

Argus product team (PT) members: Valery Tschopp - SWITCH, Andrea Ceccanti - INFN/CNAF

What documentation is available on ARGUS Support?

Extensive documentation is available at https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/EGEE/AuthorizationFramework

What is the usual "Type of Issue" for the tickets of ARGUS?



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What if I have questions which are not dealt with by this FAQ?

Open a GGUS ticket indicating that it should be directed at the ARGUS team.