EGI's UMD Provisioning activity governs and executes two main processes:

  1. Software Provisioning Process: That handles software delivery from software development teams, aka Technology Providers (TP), Quality Assurance and Reporting.
  2. UMD Release Process: That collects tested Products per Platform and Architecture (PPAs) into UMD Releases

The Software Provisioning Process handles software delivery from software development teams, aka Technology Providers (TP), Quality Assurance and Reporting.

The Software Provisioning process consists of

  1. Software Delivery – Technology Providers submit new software releases
  2. Software Assessment – through Quality Assurance & Staged Rollout
  3. Reporting – inform TP about outcome of the software provisioning process

Software Delivery this is the process according to which Technology Providers submit through GGUS new software releases. Software delivery is performed using one of the three different user interfaces available, i.e. a web form, e-mailing and a web service interface, that create tickets including all the necessary information about the software delivered in order to be processed. GGUS forwards the tickets to RT creating one RT ticket per Product per Platform and Architecture (PPA).

  1. After the first successful release, TP should request the subscription to the UMD Release team
  2. Communication Channels of new updates:
    • E-mail to URT team
    • Update the information on the URT meeting agendas
  3. Information needed for each update:
    • Product Name & Version
    • Release Notes as:
      • What’s New – bug fixes, new features
      • Installation & Configuration instructions – what needs to be done to correctly update the product (package, service) on production infrastructure
      • List of Packages to be updated
      • Location where the packages are available:
        • TP repositories
        • APP DB

Software Assessment is done in two phases

  1. Quality Assurance
  2. Stage Rollout


Reporting this is the last process that reports back to Technology providers the outcome of the software provisioning process.


UMD process-v1.png

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