General news

No news.

Release status

  • stuck with xrootd because of puppet recipe broken
  • nagios probes to be included
  • ARC-CE
  • to release this week

Known Errors Database KEDB

The KEDB has been moved to Jira+Confluence: list of known errors

Status and actions

Product teams

  • ARC: NTR
  • xrootd: available in EPEL 9
  • StoRM v1.12.0 is expected in the first half of 2022
    • updated components: storm-backend-server, storm-webdav, storm-native-libs, storm-dynamic-info-provider
    • updated Puppet module: v4.0.0
    • supported platforms: CentOS 7 (we're evaluating to release this also for CentOS Stream 9 - still on going internal discussion)
  • Argus and VOMS next releases not yet scheduled.


First agenda in Confluence.

  • No labels