General information TO UPDATE
- UMD 4.9.0 release scheduled in October
- HTCondor-CE and dCache 5.2 to be included
- Argo-ams-library, dynafed, APEL, StoRM, Xrootd, squid, gfal, davix
- ARC 6.2 needs interaction with the PT => postponed
- TCB-Cloud + CMD PTs meeting on October 8th
- discussion about the future of CMD, to be aligned with the upcoming "centralised operations" project
- items: review the product list, distribute packages + images, use CI/CD, use a "fake site" as staged-rollout (if all probes green, deployment is OK)
- next release is November (schedule to be fixed at the end of the year to be more realistic)
Preview repository
- released on 2019-08-16
- Preview 1.24.0 AppDB info (sl6): APEL Client/Server 1.8.1, APEL-SSM 2.4.0, ARC 6.1.0, davix 0.7.4, dCache 4.2.40, DMLite/DPM 1.13.1, Dynafed 1.5.0, frontier-squid 4.8.1, gfal2 2.16.3
- Preview 2.24.0 AppDB info (CentOS 7): APEL Client/Server 1.8.1, APEL-SSM 2.4.0, ARC 6.1.0, davix 0.7.4, dCache 4.2.40, DMLite/DPM 1.13.1, Dynafed 1.5.0, frontier-squid 4.8.1, gfal2 2.16.3
Feedback from DMSU
Known Error Database:
- added the following problems:
- CREAM-CE at CentOS 7: could not create connection to database server, GGUS 142425 (which was solved)
- BDII udpate & base64 encoded ldif entries, GGUS 142928 (which is still open)
Tickets handled by DMSU:
- GGUS #143303: libcurl does not use CRLs correctly, SSL connection can fail unexpectedly, revoked cert can be accepted
- GGUS #143438: Issues with Caso (cloud accounting)
- GGUS #143513: problem with Ceph based WebDAV service
Monthly Availability/Reliability
- Under-performed sites in the past A/R reports with issues not yet fixed:
- AsiaPacific:
- INDIACMS-TIFR: SRM service not published in the BDII. No feedback yet
- TW-NTU-HEP: new SRM failures at the end of September due to DPM upgrade
- GR-12-TEIKAV: SRM failures
- INFN-LECCE (recovered)
- INFN-MILANO-ATLASC: frequent SRM failures
- TASK: still problems: SRM failures and QCG bug; The probe eu.egi.QCG-Computing-CertValidity doesn't manage to get the certificate information from the qcg computing hosts.
- RO-02-NIPNE: Cooling system problem, migration to CentOS7
- UA-BITP: SRM not published in the BDII
- AsiaPacific:
- Under-performed sites after 3 consecutive months, under-performed NGIs, QoS violations: (Sept 2019):
- WCSS64: qcg host certificate failures, CREAM-CE failures. The probe eu.egi.QCG-Computing-CertValidity doesn't manage to get the certificate information from the qcg computing hosts.
- the sites providing qcg computing can ask for a re-computation
suspended sites: AEGIS01-IPB-SCL (NGI_AEGIS)
IPv6 readiness plans
- INFORMATION ARE 6 MONTHS OLD, please provide updates to the IPv6 assessment (ongoing)
- if any relevant, information will be summarised at OMB
LCGDM end of support and migration to / enabling of DOME
- The DPM team has agreed to extend support for security updates for the DPM legacy functionality until 30 September 2019. However, affected service providers should still plan to disable legacy mode well before this date.
- more details:
- since DPM 1.10.3 release, it is possible enabling the non-legacy mode DOME (Disk operations Management Engine, see documentation)
- latest DPM release 1.13.1 has been also released in UMD 4.8.5
- EGI Operations sent a broadcast to site-admins(first bunch and second bunch) and VO managers with a survey to fill in:
- site-admins: to know the upgrade plans:
- VO Managers: to know any barriers in moving away from using SRM protocol
- Deployment statistics (Oct 10th):
$ ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap:// -b "GLUE2GroupID=grid,o=glue" '(&(objectClass=GLUE2Manager)(GLUE2ManagerProductName=DPM))' GLUE2ManagerProductVersion GLUE2ManagerID | grep GLUE2ManagerProductVersion | sort | uniq -c 11 GLUE2ManagerProductVersion: 1.10.0 5 GLUE2ManagerProductVersion: 1.12.0 47 GLUE2ManagerProductVersion: 1.13.0 4 GLUE2ManagerProductVersion: 1.13.1 10 GLUE2ManagerProductVersion: 1.8.10 2 GLUE2ManagerProductVersion: 1.8.11 1 GLUE2ManagerProductVersion: 1.8.7 1 GLUE2ManagerProductVersion: 1.8.8 4 GLUE2ManagerProductVersion: 1.8.9 10 GLUE2ManagerProductVersion: 1.9.0
Liasing with WLCG to follow-up the upgrade. Opened GGUS tickets asking the following:
- all the sites with older DPM versions than 1.12 are suggested to upgrade to the latest DPM version , following the guide DPM upgrade (chapter 1 Upgrade to DPM 1.10.0 "Legacy Flavour" and chapter 2 Upgrade to DPM 1.10.0 "Dome Flavour")
- DOME and the old LCGDM (srm protocol) will coexist
- Monitoring: sites should enable the monitoring of the HTTP/WebDav and/or GridFTP endpoints
- register the storage service endpoint as webdav and/or globus-GRIDFTP service type, with production flag disabled, providing respectively the URL field and the Extension Properties information as explained in the HOWTO21
- check if the tests are ok
- switch the production flag to "yes"
List of tickets:
- DPM upgrade, DOME enabling, and monitoring (33)
- enabling DOME and proper monitoring (6)
- tickets opened by WLCG: 13 and 7
HTCondorCE integration
Link to procedure:
GGUS ticket:
Steps status:
- (Completed) Underpinning Agreement:
- (Completed) Configuration management:
- Service type already present: org.opensciencegrid.htcondorce
- (To do) OPS Dashboard:
- To do when Conf Mgmt and Monitoring are completed.
- (in progress) Information System: the info-provider is already available:
- to test during the staged rollout
- (in progress) Monitoring: some probes are already available that submit jobs to CondorCe, CREAM and ARC-CE:
- ticket to ARGO to deploy the probes on the test instance:
- there is a bug on CentOS6 due to python version; the probe will be tested on the CentOS7 nagios instance
- (Completed) Support: the support unit is
- (Completed) Accounting:
- Some work has been done:
- ticket to track the progress on this topic
- problems should have been fixed with APEL 1.8.1
- (Completed) Documentation
- (Completed) Security
- Condor team filled in the questionnaire and sent it to Linda
- (in progress) UMD
- suggested to act in advance because the functional tests could take a lot of time
- Ticket for the inclusion:
- HTCondor-CE is released with HTCondor in a version without the dependencies on other OSG software. Moreover, HTCondor-CE depends on HTCondor (though not for use as a batch scheduler), so both packages will need to be distributed.
- Asked for any automated deployment (ansible, puppets or other) configuration files supported by HTcondor team
- It is available a copy of the ansible files that OSG uses to configure HTCondor-CE on their internal testbed machines. They can provide help for a non-OSG version of the files
- Provided information for the UMD card:
- plan to release by the end of the month
Next meeting
November and there will be no meeting in December