The EOSC-hub project has ended. This space is READ ONLY

The access to the ticketing system and the management of the tickets is exclusively permitted to the people belonging to the related Support Units (SUs).

In the following, the procedure to be registered in the system as part of a SU, and thus being able to access and update the tickets information assigned to it, is described.

1. Before starting the process of joining a certain SU, get in contact with the SU responsible and identify the SU name(s) to be joined.

2. Register to the EOSC helpdesk

3. Apply for support permissions from the helpdesk web page "Support Staff" menu.

4. When it will be granted, join one or more SUs, with the consensus of the SU responsible:

  • The SU responsible should communicate the changes to be done in the SU mailing list, asking for updating the members e-mail addresses. The new SU members have to be added to the list in order to receive notifications by e-mail of tickets assigned to their SU.
  • The SU responsible should ask for adding new members to the SU in the ticketing system. The members of a SU correctly registered in the ticketing system can access visualize and modify the tickets assigned to their SU.
  • No labels