General news
- CERN/FNAL decision: Almalinux to replace CentOS
- GDB presented the decision at GDB on Jan11
- WLCG is surveying about the Linux distros used by sites (Julia Andreeva to "WLCG would like to assess the WLCG landscape regarding OS flavors used by the sites and collect site input regarding considered or selected LINUX options including accumulated experience. " [...] We would like to discuss survey results at the WLCG operations coordination meeting on the 2nd of February." Deadline Jan28.
- on Jan16 the Linux Future Committee met to discuss the adoption of Almalinux actions:
- presentation about Almalinux tomorrow Jan31st
- New repository in good shape (Joao reporting about the status)
- Vincenzo contacting the PTs for UMD5/Almalinux, see Roadmap and Plans
- Do we need to share/approve in EGI OMB?
Release status
Known Errors Database KEDB
The KEDB has been moved to Jira+Confluence: list of known errors
Status and actions
Product teams
Next meeeting ?