CMD-OS (CMD for OpenStack)

The release schedule for CMD-OS (CMD for OpenStack) depends on OpenStack release cycle, which is every 6 months. For each version of OpenStack, there will be in parallel a new release of CMD-OS, reflecting the official release schedule of OpenStack available at:

ReleaseStatusRelease dateSupported OSSupported OpenStack versionLinkNotes
CMD-1.3.0ReleasedFeb 18th, 2020CentOS7, Ubuntu 16 (Xenial)Mitaka and above
CMD-1.2.1ReleasedJune 18th, 2018CentOS7, Ubuntu 16 (Xenial)Mitaka and above
CMD-1.2.0ReleasedMay 23th, 2018CentOS7, Ubuntu 16 (Xenial)Mitaka and above update
CMD-OS-1.1.2ReleasedJune 21th, 2017CentOS7, Ubuntu 16 (Xenial)Mitaka the python-daemon package
CMD-OS-1.1.1ReleasedJune 16th, 2017Ubuntu 16 (Xenial)Mitaka cmd-release.
CMD-OS-1.1.0ReleasedJune 16th, 2017CentOS7, Ubuntu 16 (Xenial)Mitaka update. Switching to Xenial. Also new SHA2 key will be used to sign packages.
CMD-OS-1.0.0ReleasedDecember 16th, 2016CentOS7, Ubuntu 14.04Mitaka update
CMD-OS-2.X.XFutureNot scheduledUbuntu 18 (Bionic Beaver), CentOS7?Queens
Regular update

CMD-ONE (CMD for OpenNebula)

The release schedule for CMD-ONE (CMD for OpenNebula) depends on OpenNebula release cycle, available here:

ReleaseStatusRelease dateSupported OSSupported Cloud PlatformLinkNotes
CMD-ONE-1.1.0ReleasedNovember 12, 2018CentOS7*OpenNebula 5 update
CMD-ONE-1.0.0ReleasedSeptember 21, 2017CentOS7*OpenNebula 5 release

[*] Ubuntu will be released with an update later.

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