The EOSC-hub project has ended. This space is READ ONLY

The training catalogue is an online webspace within EOSC-hub website for publishing training materials and advertising training events. 

It is based on Drupal (v7.58), and supports local and Identity Federation mechanism based on the OIDC protocol. The overall architecture of the catalogue is based on the EOSCpilot “D7.2 – Interim report and catalogue of EOSC skills training and educational materials”.

The EOSC-hub Training Catalogue (also referred as catalogue in the rest of this document), includes two web areas:

  1. Training Materials: Initially, we distinguish two categories of training materials:

    1. Generic training materials for EOSC-hub services: these training materials will finally be linked to EOSC-hub service catalogue providing as reference documents for users to get to know about the services.
    2. Other materials related to EOSC-hub service training, e.g. from various training events. 
  2. Training events:, this area will include all the list events delivered in the context of the project, including: webinars, face-to-face training, tech. talks, workshops,  etc.

Only authorised members can add and/or modify training related content. Each authorised member may have one of the following access rights:

  • Training Editor (TE): This user can only insert and modify contents into the training catalogue.

  • Training Admin (TA): This user not only can only insert and modify contents into the training catalogue as the TE, but he/she can also  moderate the publication and deletion of training materials. TAs can also grant or deny roles to other members.

Before to add and/or edit any content in the training catalogue, the trainer has to ask for the ‘Training Editor’ role.


To get this role, please contact:

How to add new entries in the Training Catalogue

Before to insert a new ‘Training Event’,  a good practice suggests to start fill first ‘Contacts’ related to involved people, then the ‘Training Materials’. It is also possible to insert directly the Training Event but the insertion procedure becomes much more complex and requires a little skill in Drupal web content insertion.


Connect to the EOSC-hub web site and access selecting one of the available authentication services. You can select the authentication services to access from the right side of the web pages related to the training:

Warning: In case you decide to access the catalogue with the EGI AAI Check-In service, please remember that you need to be registered as a member of the EGI community. To join this community, just visit first the website: and follow the instructions.

Add a new contact

If you have the correct rights, in the top level menu of the EOSC-hub web site, it is possible to select the voice:  Add Content ➔ Contact

A web form appears and once it has been completed it will be possible to preview or save the new content. Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk beside the form labels.

Repeat this procedure for all people involved in the training event and responsible of training materials. The full list of text fields requested to add a new contact are available in Appendix.

Add a new training material

Training materials are viewable by the URL:

All events are shown sorted by ‘date created’ field and one or more search filters can be applied using several filters specified at the top of the page.

In case training materials are already available in the agenda of the training event, there is no need to register training materials in the catalogue, since the link of the training home page or agenda is one of the requested field. It is also possible to register external referenced training materials in the training events catalogue.

To insert a new training material, select from the top menu:  Add Content ➔ Training Material

and provide the information requested in the dedicated web form:

Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk. Once the web form has been completed it will be possible to preview or save the new content. Repeat this procedure for all training materials involved in the training event.

At the end of data insertion, please pay attention to properly assign the Training Material authorship to the right Training user, as explained by the figure below:

Training materials require the moderation of ‘Training Admin’ users who can decide to public the new material and make it publicly available or reject it.

To publish the new material, the ‘Training Admin’ has to select the check box ‘Publish’ under Publishing Options placed at the bottom of the insertion/edit web form as shown in the figure below

The full list of text fields requested to add a new training material are available in Appendix.

Add a new training event

The full list of training events sorted by the event’ starting date are available at: One or more filters can also be selected to search for some specific events.

To insert a new training event, select from the top menu:  Add Content ➔ Training Event

and provide the information requested in the dedicated web form:

Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk. Once the web form has been completed it will be possible to preview or save the new content.

Training events DO NOT require the moderation of ‘Training Admin’ users, so that the publishing responsibility is directly assigned to the user compiling the form. In order to publish the content, just select the check box ‘Publish’ under Publishing Options placed at the bottom of the insertion web form.

The full list of text fields requested to add a new training event are available in Appendix.

Manage training roles

Role management may be necessary to grant or revoke the Training roles: Training Admin (TA) or Training Editor (TE) among registered members. Only users with the Training Admin role can grant or revoke training roles to other users.

To manage training roles:

  • Select ‘People’ from the top bar menu;
  • Identify the user from the list;
  • Access to the user’s profile page and set the role;
  • Save the preferences.

At this point, the list of all  registered members will be displayed and the user to grant/revoke training roles has to be identified in the list. Then, click on the edit label in the user record in order to access the user’ details page. In the new displayed page, under the label ‘Roles’ it is possible to add/revoke one of the two training roles. At the end, press ‘Save’ button to apply the changes.



Since the Training Catalogue has been developed with Drupal, several terms are described below in order to clarify their meaning later used by the next chapters.

  • Content Type: Drupal uses ‘Content Type’ entity to register new web page contents. For the Training Catalogue the Content Type can be seen as a database table storing the information about Training Catalogue’ records, in particular: ‘Training Event’, ‘Training Material’, ‘Contact’, etc.
  • Taxonomy: These entities are used to collect set of values to be used by the ‘Content Type’ input forms.


Table below reports all necessary fields to insert a new Contact. Please notice that several fields contain a description to better explain the meaning of the field.

Input field


Contact Identifier(*)

This is the field used by Catalogue’ input forms to identify the contact. By convention the identifier is built with the sting: ”<Name> <Surname> [Institute or other info]”.

The training catalogue does not expects to register a huge amount of Contacts, so that the use of Name and Surname as title, should be enough in the most of cases, the use of additional information as Contact’ Institute or any other further information should be limited to avoid homonymies.

User Title

Professional role of the contact person. Please avoid the use of Mr. Mrs, Doc, Prof, etc.


Name of the contact


Surname of the contact


Email address of the contact


Specify here any web link associated to the contact’ social link such as ResearchGate, LinkedIn, etc.

(*) Mandatory fields

Training Material

Table below reports all necessary fields to insert a new training material. Please notice that several fields contain a description to better explain the meaning of the field.

Input field


Training Material Title(*)

Main title of the training material as it appears in the main title.


Link to the training material


Description about the training material.


Specify the training material licence


This field is related to the ‘License’ content type. The input field uses the autofill feature to recognize automatically registered licenses. The input field accepts also new entries.


Training material version.


Language used by the training material


This field is related to the ‘Language’ taxonomy. The input field uses the autofill feature to recognize automatically registered languages. The input field accepts also new entries.


Specify here the scientific domain of the training material.

  • Environmental and Earth Sciences
  • Biological and Medical
  • Energy
  • Material Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Mathematics and ICT
  • Generic/Cross-domain


This field is related to the ‘Domain’ taxonomy. The input field uses the autofill feature to recognize automatically registered domains. The input field accepts also new entries, but its inclusion should be notified to WP11.1 task leader.


Specify here the topic covered by the training material.

  • Data discovery & Data reuse
  • Data processing & Data analysis
  • Data management, data curation and data preservation
  • Data access, data deposition and data sharing
  • Federation services



This field is related to the ‘Topic’ taxonomy. The input field uses the autofill feature to recognize automatically registered topics. The input field accepts also new entries, but its inclusion should be notified to WP11.1 task leader.


Specify here the training material file format(s).

In the case the URL of the training material points to multiple files, many file formats can be specified here.



This field is related to the ‘Type’ taxonomy. The input field uses the autofill feature to recognize automatically registered types. The input field accepts also new entries, but its inclusion should be notified to WP11.1 task leader.


Specify here any keyword applicable to the training material.


This field is related to the ‘Keywords’ taxonomy. The input field uses the autofill feature to recognize automatically registered keywords. The input field accepts also new entries.

Date Created(*)

Creation date of the training material or alternatively the registration date in the Catalogue.

Date Modified

Date related to the last change applied to the training material.


Persistent identifier associated to the training material: ORCID, DOI, etc.


Please use the complete reference value including the type; i.e.


Place here the list of authors related to the Training Material.


This field is related to the ‘Contacts’ content type. The input field uses the autofill feature to recognize automatically the contact. The autofill references the Contacts’ Title which by convention is built with the sting: ”<Name> <Surname> [Institute or other info]”.

The training catalogue does not expects to register a huge amount of Contacts, so that the use of Name and Surname as title, should be enough in the most of cases, the use of additional information as Contact’ Institute or any other further information should be limited to avoid homonymies.

In the case that the Contact do not exists yet, just place the Contact’ Title, so that the new Contact information can be completed later.

(*) Mandatory fields

Training Event

Table below reports all necessary fields to insert a new training event. Please notice that several fields contain a description to better explain the meaning of the field.

Input field


Training Event Title(*)

Main title of the training event as it is published in the agenda or in the home page.


Link to the training event home page or agenda.


  • Start date(*)
  • End date

Start date of the training event and optionally the end date.

The date includes time information and the time zone is related to the location of the user that is filling the form.


Place here the kind of training event.

  • Face-to-face meeting
  • Webinar
  • Hackathon
  • Technical talk
  • Other (None above is applicable)


Short description about the training event.

Learning goal(*)

Express the learning target of the training event.


Key contact(s) responsible of the local organization.


This field is related to the ‘Contacts’ content type. The input field uses the autofill feature to recognize automatically the contact. The autofill references the Contacts’ Title which by convention is built with the sting: ”<Name> <Surname> [Institute or other info]”.

The training catalogue does not expects to register a huge amount of Contacts, so that the use of Name and Surname as title, should be enough in the most of cases, the use of additional information as Contact’ Institute or any other further information should be limited to avoid homonymies.

In the case that the Contact do not exists yet, just place the Contact’ Title, so that the new Contact information can be completed later.


Insert any information about the place where the event takes place.


Normally the venue description includes information related to how to reach the location using public transportation, informing participants about hotel or restaurant conventions, etc.


In case of physical event, specify here the address where the event takes place.


The address information is used to generate automatically a Google map. Then it is suggested to test the specified address on Google maps first.

Target group(*)

To whom is the training event is addressed:

EOSCpilot competence framework group (CFG)

  • DSA data science/analytics
  • DM data management
  • DE data science engineering
  • DR domain research
  • Others

 EOSC-hub TSs

  • ECAS
  • OPENCoastS
  • WeNMR
  • EO Pillar
  • LifeWatch

EOSC-hub CCs

  • Elixir
  • Fusion
  • Marine
  • Radio Astronomy Competence Center (RACC)
  • ICOS
  • Disaster Mitigation Competence Centre Plus (DMCC+)


  • Other


This field is related to the ‘Professional groups’ taxonomy. The input field uses the autofill feature to recognize automatically the registered values. The field accepts also new entries in case they are not already present.


Specify here the training event’ trainers.


This field is related to the ‘Contacts’ content type. The input field uses the autofill feature to recognize automatically the contact. The autofill references the Contacts’ Title which by convention is built with the sting: ”<Name> <Surname> [Institute or other info]”.

The training catalogue does not expects to register a huge amount of Contacts, so that the use of Name and Surname as title, should be enough in the most of cases, the use of additional information as Contact’ Institute or any other further information should be limited to avoid homonymies.

In the case that the Contact do not exists yet, just place the Contact’ Title, so that the new Contact information can be completed later.

Training materials

References to the catalogue’ training materials associated to the training event.


This field is related to the ‘Training Materials’ content type.  The input field uses the autofill feature to recognize automatically the training material if it is already registered, otherwise specify here the title of the training material and complete the training material information later. There are no conventions to build the training material title name, so that it is up to the user  to solve any possible  homonymy.

External training materials

Specify here any external referenced training material (e.g. Zenodo, B2DROP, etc.)

Training feedback

Link to surveys / feedback forms.

(*) Mandatory fields

  • No labels