The EOSC-hub project has ended. This space is READ ONLY



General Assembly (GA)

General Assembly (GA) is the ultimate decision-making body of the project with responsibility for the strategic vision. The GA provides direction to the Project Management Board and the Project Office. Each beneficiary is represented by one voting member. Chair is elected by GA members. Project Coordinator and Project Director are non-voting members.

Project Office (PO)

The Project Office (PO) manages the project finances, administration and related communications with the EC. PO defines the project management guidelines and is responsible for the monitoring of budget allocation and consumption. PO provides administrative support to the project boards and defines, implements and supervises Quality and Risk Management strategy and plans. Project Coordinator chairs the PO.

Project Management Board (PMB)

Accountable to the GA, the Project Management Board (PMB) is the executive and supervisory body of the project implementation, and drives the project strategy. Members are representatives of partners elected by the GA. PMB oversees the effectiveness of the scientific and technical coordination of the project, implementing the GA decisions, and consulting with relevant stakeholders, the Strategy Board and the External Advisory Board on strategic matters. The Project Director (non-voting) chairs the PMB. The PC, TC and AMB co-chairs are ex officio member (non-voting).

Activity Management Board (AMB)

Accountable to the PMB, the Activity Management Board (AMB) coordinates the execution of project activities within and across the project work packages according to the activity plan, quality plan and strategy defined by the PMB and GA. AMB collects, reviews and distributes project deliverables/milestones. Members are the WP managers and the TC. The AMB co-chairs are appointed by EGI and EUDAT CDI.

Technology Committee (TCOM)

Accountable to the PMB, the Technology Committee (TCOM) guides and works with the AMB with responsibility for: (1) Defining, maintaining and evolving the technical roadmap, (2) Stimulating and supervising the contribution to open source community projects and standards bodies, (3) Ensuring compliance to standards and security in defining and assessing the acceptance criteria for the evolution of the service catalogue. The Technology Coordinator (TC) chairs TCOM. Members from project partners (as well as external experts when needed) are appointed by the PMB on proposal by the AMB.

Strategy Board (SB)

The Strategy Board (SB) gives direction to the PMB by advising on strategy, including exploitation and service deployment plans. Members are e-Infrastructure and Research Infrastructures representatives and thematic service providers contributing to the project. The Chair is elected by board members. PD and PC are ex-officio non-voting members.

External Advisory Board (EAB)

The External Advisory Board (EAB) gives direction to the PMB by advising on plans to increase the impact of the project outputs. This includes input on service provisioning and engagement priorities. EAB provide representation from user communities through the User Community Board from service providers through the Operations Advisory Board. Board members are appointed by the GA, and elect the Chairs.


Project Coordinator (PC)

Accountable to the GA, the Project Coordinator (PC) is responsible for the overall project management including administrative and financial management within and across work packages to ensure that the project is carried out efficiently and in accordance with contractual obligations. Key responsibilities include:

  1. coordination of the PO;
  2. implementation of GA resolutions having legal or financial impact on beneficiaries;
  3. financial and administrative project management and contingency planning;
  4. operation of the PO; (4) monitoring of the project for proper action implementation;
  5. communications with the EC for all project administrative and financial matters.

The PC role is appointed by the EGI Foundation.

Project Director (PD)

Accountable to the GA, Project Director (PD) is responsible for execution of the activity plans of the project to meet the overall scientific and technical objectives of the project, and for executing the strategic, scientific and technical activities under the direction of the PMB. Key responsibilities include:

  1. Execution of the overall project strategy and its implementation as decided by the PMB, including the scientific and technical coordination of the project, and
  2. Chair of the PMB.

The PD role is appointed by the EUDAT CDI.

PC coordinates together with PD external liaisons involving the project and the EC and external stakeholders in areas like dissemination, policy, cooperation and strategy matters.

Technology Coordinator (TC)

Accountable to the PMB, the Technology Coordinator (TC) is responsible for:

  1. Chairing the TCOM;
  2. Engaging the TCOM with relevant experts;
  3. Supporting the TCOM in external communications and technology-related liaison activities as overseen by the PMB.

The TC is proposed by the INDIGO-DataCloud project consortium and appointed by the PMB.

Innovation Manager (IM)

Accountable to the AMB, the Innovation Manager (IM) is responsible for

  1. coordinating the definition of key project results,
  2. supporting the definition of the best IP protection approach for each project result, and
  3. maintain the dissemination and exploitation plan.

The IM reports to the PMB and the GA as required.

Quality Manager (QM)

QM is responsible for

  1. In charge of designing and implementing the quality assurance of the work 
  2. Implementation of the quality control process.
  3. Follow-up of work and in cases of deviations proposes and monitor corrective actions..
  4. Ensures that the risks assessment is a continuous process throughout the entire project duration, and is an agenda item in every PMB meeting.
  5. Ensure that WPLs perform risk management, and to ensure that the risk assessment table is regularly updated to avoid the emergence of unexpected threats to the project, especially with respect to innovation activities.

Work Package leader (WPL)

The Work Package Leaders (WPL) are formally appointed by the PMB.


  • Management:
    • supervise and coordinate the activity of their work package
  • Technical Work:
    • proposing and monitoring the detailed planning (yearly roadmap) and execution of the technical work to be carried out in their respective work package
    • report to the AMB bi-weekly progress of their respective work package
    • ensuring that the objectives and milestones of the whole work package are met in time, quality and budget
    • coordinate production of milestones and deliverables
    • contribute to project intermediate and periodic reports
  • Effort:
    • check the coherence between the activity performed and the efforts declared
    • in case of deviation or misreporting they will inform their contact to ensure that efforts are properly declared
  • Risks:
    • inform QM and TC about new risks identified in their respective work package
    • review risk registry with QM and TC on regular basis
    • apply agreed treatment for risks defined in Risk registry in their respective work package
  • Quality:
    • ensuring that work performed in their respective work package is following quality plan guidelines
  • Metrics:
    • define KPIs and activity metrics related to their work package
    • collect and report metrics to QM and TC on regular basis
  • Software and Services
  • Dissemination
  • Project results
    • collect and report on project results
  • Timeliness:
    • ensure timely delivery of the work carried out in its work package
    • If, for some reason, the work needs to deviate from the original plan, they have to immediately report any potential delay to QM and TC, propose options to avoid or mitigate the delay and motivate any amendments to their baseline plan.
    • responsible of the completion and submission on time of deliverables.
  • Interfacing with other work packages:
    • throughout the AMB, are responsible for technical collaboration on the interface to other work packages.
  • No labels