Responsible Unit: QosCosGrid

Helpdesk: GGUS (Operations Helpdesk by TPM)

What is the purpose of the QosCosGrid Support?

QosCosGrid Support Unit belongs to the third level of user support and takes care of the QosCosGrid middleware components installed on EGI sites. QosCosGrid SU processess incoming tickets by analyzing them and depending on situation: finding sollution of the problem or redirecting the problem to QosCosGrid developers.

For which components does QosCosGrid provide support?

The QosCosGrid SU provides support for both services and QCG client programs, particularly:

  • QCG-Broker
  • QCG-Computing
  • QCG-Notification
  • QCG-Broker-Client
  • QCG-Icon

Which quality of service (QoS) will you provide?


Who will assign tickets to QosCosGrid Support?

Typically tickets will be assigned by DMSU, but there are no special restrictions.

Are tickets typically solved in QosCosGrid Support or reassigned elsewhere?

All tickets related to the QosCosGrid middleware are resolved in this SU or within DMSU. Tickets already assigned to QosCosGrid will not be reassigned.

Who is responsible for QosCosGrid Support?

The QosCosGrid Support is maintained by the QosCosGrid developers and QosCosGrid user support team.

What documentation is available on QosCosGrid Support?

The documentation for QosCosGrid is available at http://www.qoscosgrid.org. Individual components are described at subpages:

What is the usual "Type of Issue" for the tickets of QosCosGrid?



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What if I have questions which are not dealt with by this FAQ?

Open a GGUS ticket indicating that it should be directed at the QosCosGrid team.