FAQ FOR EGI Cloud Information Discovery SUPPORT UNIT

Responsible Unit: EGI Cloud Information Discovery

Helpdesk: GGUS (Operations Helpdesk by TPM)

What is the purpose of the EGI Cloud Information Discovery Support?

Support for the configuration and deployment of the components enabling the information publishing in the BDII or other information discovery services/tools for the cloud services. Additionally the SU will provide answers to questions on the use of the information published by cloud services. The SU will also collect bugs notifications or requests for changes.

For which components does EGI Cloud Information Discovery provide support?

All the cloud-info-provider components. The components are available under: https://github.com/EGI-Foundation/cloud-info-provider

Which quality of service (QoS) will you provide?


Who will assign tickets to EGI Cloud Information Discovery Support?

All GGUS tickets are assigned to the SU either by TPM or directly by the users.

Are tickets typically solved in EGI Cloud Information Discovery Support or reassigned elsewhere?

Tickets are typically solved in this unit.

Who is responsible for EGI Cloud Information Discovery Support?

Federated Cloud Task Force

What documentation is available on EGI Cloud Information Discovery Support?


What is the usual "Type of Issue" for the tickets of EGI Cloud Information Discovery?



No comments.

What if I have questions which are not dealt with by this FAQ?

Open a GGUS ticket indicating that it should be directed at the EGI Cloud Information Discovery team.